
{December 9, 2007}   it’s a small world

so I was hanging out in #qt today, trying to get my head around model/view stuff, and I ran into a guy from the DDP cohort 3 (I’m in cohort 2). I had heard there was a SoC student in that group, but didn’t know any more than that. it turns out his SoC project was making Solid ipod-aware. not only is he a linux geek, he’s involved with kde! :) I think that makes him the second kde dev in the lower mainland (counting myself, even though I’m not physically there), and probably the third in BC (unless there are more of you hiding out there).

he’ll be coming to china in may, I suppose. it’ll be nice to have another linux geek around here (assuming I survive that long ;)

oh, and I feel like tossing in a screenshot… is this enough clocks for you, aaron? ;)
appletbrowser with delete

It’s great to see that P.A.B. still receives love… and has new lovers :)
(and that I’m not jealous because of that :D)

[…] Thanks to Chani Armitage P.A.B. now has a remove applet button. […]

Ryan says:

You might want to rename “Add Widgets” to “Manage Widgets” or similar.

johnblogger says:

your desktop is sooooo full

pinda says:

Nice work! But Everytime I see the applet browser I wonder what the function of that star icon is. Can anybody tell me that?

Chani says:

pinda: it’s for marking applets as favourites. there’s a filter to show only the starred ones.

Luis says:

How does it decide which applet to remove?

I mean, I may have one clock in my plasma panel and other in the desktop, If I want to get the rid of the desktop/panel clock, how can I know it won’t remove the other instead of the desire applet?

Chani says:

luis: it can’t, so it removes all of them.

someone on the mailing list suggested having a popup with a list of running applets, but I don’t feel like coding that – I’m not convinced that it would be any more usable, or worth the hassle

Luis says:

Oh, I see.

What if it could show where plasmoids are contain (panel/desktop/other)? So you could remove all of them from the panel, desktop, other containment.

Anyway, in it’s current state, it’s certainly useful for some non-removable plasmoids (trough GUI), like kickoff, task manager and systray (when they’re hosted by the panel).

See you later :)

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