
{April 13, 2021}   Oh right, I have a blog.

Wow, the wordpress editor has changed a lot. I’m… just gonna post this little test post to see what happens. And then maybe update my about page?

I haven’t touched this thing in years, but I’m still here. Haven’t really been up to blogging for most of that time; pain meds are not good for clear thinking. At least I did get working pain meds. Way back in… what, 2015? So much has happened since then, and yet so little. I still don’t fucking count as disabled to the Canadian government, even though I’m still not working. I *have* been well enough to cook 6-7 days a week through this pandemic, so that’s good. And I think I finally know *why* my body started trying to destroy itself – but hypermobility is something Canada just… doesn’t diagnose. The diagnostic criteria is flawed and soon to be changed anyways, so my doctor is happy to skip right to treatment – 90% of which it turns out I already did while figuring this shit out on my own. :P

(Side note: the UK seems to take a similar approach. The RCGP EDS toolkit – which might disappear from the internet soon – says this: “This section focuses on the hypermobile subtype (hEDS) and the related condition hypermobility spectrum disorder (HSD), where there are features of hEDS but the full criteria are not met. These conditions are not rare.  As GPs, we may work with a ‘suspected’ diagnosis for each of these conditions without referring for confirmation. The associated conditions, approach to management and the prognosis are felt to be the same for hEDS and HSD, so there is no clinical necessity to state with certainty which label is applicable.”)

Anyways, I might start blogging about some of that medical bullshit. We’ll see. Maybe I’ll throw in a sewing project too. For now I just wanna get *something* up here. :)

et cetera