
{May 25, 2013}   Polyglot!

Whoops, I haven’t blogged for a while. I had two different posts I wanted to write a couple of weeks ago, but got hit by a week-long headache instead. Anyways, I’ll try and write a general update tomorrow. Today, I’m busy at the polyglot conference!

Despite the name, it’s not about human languages. It’s about programming languages. It’s also an unconference, so the schedule was voted on this morning… while I was asleep.  :-P I tried to do a bit too much this week, and something had to give. Anyways,  with a schedule covering everything from mobile development to zsh to salary negotiation, there’s something for everyone here. Picking which session to go to is tough.  :-)

I think the best one I’ve been in so far is the “how to be a better developer” one. It was basically a brainstorming session on all the things that help us keep improving. I taught some students about gsoc, got a list of books to read, and considered joining a programmers’ book club.

And now- Holy crap, the last session is starting soon. It’s really a shame that the conference is only one day. I didn’t go to the paid tutorials Friday (two of them were done by my co-workers anyways) and I haven’t signed up for the Sunday hacking thing (half of it requires Microsoft tools, and anyways I need rest) so this day went by way too fast.

Oh well, at least there’s still the after party!  :-)

et cetera